Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wow! Im, torn between the benefits and the possible repercussions. When I read the last
"We're Not All Ready for the Cloud Yet" blog it made me think of all the technological ways in which we can catch a terrorrist, or some one who is doing illegal things through infra-ray, etc.
How the goverment has started to tell businesses such as Chevrolet that because they accepted bail-out monies, they now have to shut down X amount of dealerships. Big Brother truly may be watching you. Especially if you leave information in the cloud that could be used for your hurt.

On the other hand the use and convenience of being able to access not only your data, but that of others on a global basis to incorporate with your thoughts and experiences. How cool is that!
Just having access to this web site and being able to understand a concept like "cloud computing" which up until 3 days ago I had never heard before. It's self-motivating.

I would like to thank all the people who have made this experience possible. I believe that in the end I will be a better person and librarian for it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you are enjoying the program so far, Lynn! This is a great start to your blog too! Congratulations on having the courage to try the program. Remember, the whole point is to play and discover and ask questions so please let me know if you have any questions. Happy New Year! ~ Naomi
